How Do I Know if My Thermostat is Bad in My Car?

How Do I Know if My Thermostat is Bad in My Car?
So how do I know if my thermostat is bad in my car you may ask? If your car is not performing as it should, you might find yourself at a crossroads not knowing what to do. I apologize if this is your situation.
How Do I Know if My Thermostat is Bad in My Car

Tony a friend of mine called me one evening when he returned from work and said friend I observed my car is getting hot.

At first, I was wondering why, and quickly something came into my mind I quickly understood what it was since I dealt with fixing AC in cars and houses so I was apt to know the cause.

I started laughing him loud and I said: ” Tony it is not something dangerous, your car will not get burnt..I will fix it for you”

Yes, it could be a thermostat so always check before you pull your car out of your carriage.

A car’s engine has many parts that work together for smooth operation. One very important part is the engine thermostat, which helps regulate the engine temperature along with the radiator and cooling fans.

So if in any case, your car’s inside temperatures are changing suddenly and unexpectedly than normal, it might be an indication that the thermostat isn’t working right.

If you notice these big temperature swings, it’s a good idea to have your car checked.

Sadly, thermostats can fail, confusing drivers dealing with various issues. In some cases, a failed thermostat can leave you stranded, needing a tow.

I encourage you to keep on reading to understand more about the engine thermostat and the signs of its failure, especially in cars.

Don’t forget to check out our article on How to Quickly Install a Programmable Thermostat to learn more.

Why is my car overheating with a new thermostat?

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A car can get too hot for different reasons. So, if your car is still getting too hot even after putting in a new thermostat, there might be issues like a broken water pump, a problem with the radiator, a fan that’s not working well, a blocked heater core, or other cooling system problems.

If you just installed the thermostat and it is not opening, what could be the simple cause is that there is an improper installation process.

It is important to address this issue promptly by parking the vehicle in your garage until you rectify the problem.

Ignoring the problem and continuing to drive the vehicle under these conditions may lead to the escalation of issues, resulting in catastrophic damage.

How do I know if my thermostat is bad in my car?

How do I know if my thermostat is bad in my car

A thermostat simply fails due to normal wear and tear and nothing more.

Regardless of its design being robust or not, a thermostat’s internal spring can only endure a limited number of operating cycles before it fails, requiring replacement.

A thermostat can also fail if someone has improperly mixed two different types of coolant. This sludge can easily gum up a thermostat, preventing proper operation.

1. There is an Irregular Temperature Operation

Irregular operating temperatures often indicate thermostat failure. A thermostat stuck in the closed position can cause the engine temperature to soar, while a stuck open thermostat can result in the engine running too cool.

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2. Insufficient Cabin Heat Occurs

A failed thermostat in the open position is typically evident through a lack of cabin heat. This occurs when the engine’s coolant fails to reach adequate temperatures for the heater core.

3. There is Coolant Depletion

A stuck-closed thermostat can lead to sudden coolant loss. In this situation, insufficient coolant flow causes the coolant to boil over from the radiator’s cap. Residue from this coolant loss may be visible around the upper tank of the engine’s radiator.

4. You start Observing an Unusual Engine Sounds

A malfunctioning thermostat can sometimes cause peculiar engine noises, notably a “gurgling” sound. This occurs as coolant attempts to navigate through a partially closed thermostat or escapes from the radiator’s cap.

5. There is Decreased Fuel Efficiency

If the engine’s thermostat fails in the open position, you may observe a decline in fuel economy. This results from the engine running cooler than usual, leading to a relative reduction in combustion efficiency.

FAQs on How do I know if my thermostat is bad in my car?

What is the symptoms of a bad thermostat? I have listed below to help you understand better.

  • The AC or Furnace fails to activate.
  • The HVAC System doesn’t turn off.
  • The thermostat doesn’t respond.
  • The HVAC System short-cycles.
  • The room temperature differs from the thermostat setting.
  • The programmed settings reset automatically.
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How to Test car thermostat without removing

If you adjust the thermostat to a temperature above or below the current room temperature, listen for a click, and the AC or furnace should start operating almost immediately.

If you don’t observe any changes after adjusting the thermostat, that’s the initial indication that the thermostat may be malfunctioning.

Issues with power supply are a frequent reason for thermostat malfunctions. A power shortage can hinder your thermostat’s communication and command reception, whether connected to the mains or powered by batteries. 

Additionally, problems such as a malfunctioning water pump, a loose water pump belt, leaks in the cooling system, a collapsed radiator hose, and a clogged or failed radiator can contribute to thermostat issues.

What happens when your car thermostat goes bad?

The first indicator is an elevated temperature gauge, surpassing the usual levels and exhibiting frequent fluctuations.

If you notice the gauge consistently hovering at the three-quarters mark from the top, it signals potential damage to the thermostat, leading to overheating in your engine and car.

How do you know if your thermostat is stuck in your car?

When you start your car, please always observe the dashboard’s engine temperature gauge to check if there are any signs of rising. If there is, the gauge will show the engine temperature in the red section and you will also see that the coolant does not flow into the radiator. If you observe this, the thermostat may be causing your problem.

  • Check if your thermostat is digital if not it could need replacing.
  • If your thermostat cannot be programmed, it could need replacement.
  • Your thermostat is more than ten years old and that could be a problem.
  • When you observe that your heating or cooling system switches on and off.
  • It’s a problem when you notice your energy bills becoming higher than usual.
  • Your thermostat provides incorrect readings.
  • Your thermostat does not respond when you change the settings.

What problems does a faulty thermostat cause?

The most common sign of a problematic thermostat is overheating. Over time, a thermostat can become stuck, especially as it ages.

When it becomes stuck in the closed position, it hinders coolant from reaching the radiator, leading to engine overheating. This overheating can result in significant and costly damage to your vehicle.

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