Best buy Iphone 6- Killer Features

iPhone 6 is the most talked devices on internet these day, everyday a new rumours about Apple next device is surface on internet. As we know the last iPhone- iPhone 5 is not so successful in market and Apple market share is decreasing day by day due to Android or Samsung. So Apple is working hard to gain market share once again and we hope the next best buy iphone will be a full of new and unique features.
Here we talk about the 5 killing features of next upcoming iPhone – either iPhone 5S or iphone 6. If you rae a fan of iPhone device, then you must be familiar with most of the recent happening that have been there in this aspect. New patents coming from Apple have just been coming. So read on the 5 killing features of iPhone 6 Smartphone.
- FingerPrint Scanner: The iPhone 6 feature FingerPrint Scanning features which take the mobile security next level. There is a hidden code in iOS 7 Beta 3 release for finger print scanning. The Smartphone record your finger’s 32 points when you touch your finger over iPhjone 6 screen , next time, scan you finger and if match than iPhone will unlock.
- New iOS : the iPhone 6 will have iOS 7 operating system, till now the iOS 7 is not release for public use, It is under beta version. iOS 7 added many new features with respect to pervious iOS, i.e. iOS6. We will enjoy the iPhone 6 with iOS7.
- Camera : iPhone 6 will have a 13 MP main camera with lot of new features including Dual LED flash, Low light image capturing, Slow motion photography mode, and many more. So you enjoy the photography with iPhone 6 camera with mogul Mode and better night capturing.
- Precognitive Battery Use: the Apple will most likely be bringing precognitive power management on the handset. iPhone devices will predict requirements of power in a given situation or location. So battery backup is more in upcoming iPhone 6, not only thet, iphone 6 batter will more powerful in term of mAh also.
- Eye Tracking : The iPhone 6 will features eye Tracking technology. The basic function of the eye tracking software is to understand the eye movements of the users and thereafter function accordingly. The users need to simply focus their attention on that particular part of the phone and it will function mechanically.
This is the top 5 kill features of iPhone 6. Now your tune, let us which features of iPhone 6 we will like most and what new features are you want to including iPhone 6? Are you waiting for iPhone 6?