Why you need to invest on Instagram


Reasons to invest on Instagram

Regardless of the fact your business needs it or not, it’s absolutely necessary to be active in social media. These days people get to know about your business only through your online page .

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It is a powerful platform for marketers and yet many have the false notion that if you sell physical products in the market, Instagram will not be helpful. It all lies in your ability to connect with people and has nothing to do with the products. You do have a product and you can absolutely use it to market products.

It’s hard to believe that in this technologically driven world, few people still don’t exploit this medium in order to reap the benefits. If you don’t level up with changing trends, you will be forgotten in the online world.

The power in Instagram marketing lies with your ability to make your product feel real and personal to the followers. We’ve heard the phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words” many times and as marketers you have to take full advantage of images as part of your marketing strategy

If you are still doubtful, hopefully these points will convince you otherwise.

1. Awareness

If people are not aware of your brand, how can you increase sales? In order to get your brand noticed in the market you can use the help of Instagram. This is a great base to bring awareness, given the millions of users.
Say for example, if you need to buy a cellphone which brand comes to your mind? Apple, Samsung, Motorola. Why? These brands have made themselves aware of their presence in the market.

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2. Communication

People talk and love giving suggestions about products and brands to their friends. For example, a user follows you on Instagram but isn’t necessarily looking to buy coffee mugs. If they hear that their friends are, they will most likely refer your page or share the link of your website with them. So you get free publicity for your brand.
Communication either good or bad (hopefully good) about your brand is good for business.

3. To keep up with your competitors
Your customers and competitors are on Instagram, so should you. It is very important that you are active in other social networking sites as well. Check out your competitor’s site and know about their posts and interaction level with customers.
This will give you an idea or two, which will be helpful. Whether your competitors are active or not you have to be up to date with the modern forms of marketing.

4. Satisfied customers

By being active online you are building the trust factor of your customers. If you are constantly in touch with your customers through blogs and Q and A’s, they will be impressed. The main purpose of being active in social media is to engage your followers, to get to know them and to educate them about your products. Through a medium like Instagram, it is absolutely possible.

5. Improved traffic and search engine rank

It is no secret that increased social media activity will be helpful to increase traffic. The process is broken down to this, more online activity-more interaction with users-increase in visitors for your site- good search engine rank.
Also, mention other social networking icons in your site, so that users will know that you are keeping up with latest trends.

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6. You can have fun

One of the best things about Instagram is whatever you are doing; you can have some fun on the way. If you don’t enjoy what you’re doing and purely look everything from a business point of view, outcomes will be less. So it is good that social media can be fun and also be useful to promote your business.

This photo-sharing site keeps growing and now it has almost 150 million users’ .The growth and expansion that you are seeing on this site is only the beginning. Soon it will have a position for itself among the other social media giants.

If you take a closer look, it’s easy to see how Instagram, like Facebook or Twitter, could be your next marketing tool that will helpful to take your business to the next level. It also combines the power of images and mobile, which will be useful to market your products. So be prepared even if you’re not on Instagram now, you will soon be using it in the near future.

Bottom line is whatever you do, it must be beneficial for your business. You can also avail packages from https://www.idigic.net/ which will be helpful to develop your social media status. I hope that all of the above points were compelling enough to change your mind about investing on Instagram.

Author Bio
Sara George is a social media writer at iDigic.net who also contributes for hundreds of other blogs. Her articles are predominantly centered around Instagram marketing and are widely followed by readers from all over the world.

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