Why several people are waiting to buy ipad mini 2 instead of purchasing the ipad 4

Why several people are waiting to buy ipad mini 2 instead of purchasing the ipad 4
new roman’, times; font-size: 20px;”>This new ipad mini 2 from Apple was recently launched and I am actually one of the small ipad lovers who are eagerly waiting to to buy ipad mini 2 . Are you waiting to have one as well? You might be in this category of those who are waiting for the phone to get into the market for sale so you can purchase the phone.
new roman’, times; font-size: 20px;”>The reason why most people are waiting to buy this new phone is because of its unique features that are very outstanding and better than other similar phones. It is actually a smaller tablet that is really portable and best for those people who are the funs of smaller ipads to use both for their work and as a phone.
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new roman’, times; font-size: 20px;”>This new ipad mini 2 will be cheaper than the expensive ipad 4 such that those who cannot afford the ipad 4 can also buy the ipad mini 2 and feel the same experience that they would have felt with the ipad 4. Why is the ipad 4 quite expensive? The reason why this kind of phone has gone so expensive is because it is also a new model with unique features that are so important. It has a storage capacity of 128GB which is best for those who store large amount of data in their phones.

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