Tips and tricks that will help you in becoming a pro for handling technical things
Tips and tricks that will help you in becoming a pro for handling technical things.
In the technical era, people are very much interested in knowing new things only a daily basis. Ergo, for learning about the technology they browse technology blogs. There are so many tech blogs India that will help you in knowing new things on a regular basis. But through the help of this article, we are going to tell you about some tips and tricks. These tips and tricks will make you a pro at handling technical things.
If you are interested in knowing about them, then have a look down below. We will tell each and every possible thing from our side. Let’s get started:
- Shortcut Keys- Using laptops and computers is like playing with your mind and hands. You must have known about this earlier also but we are going to tell you a bit deeper. There are so many shortcut keys on the keyboard that can be used by people. These shortcut keys will help you in saving your time as well as will help in making things easier. According, to the pros of technology, there are more than 20+ shortcut keys that people can use.
Let’s discuss a few of them. Have a look to know:
- Ctrl+ A= Select.
- Ctrl+ V= Paste.
- Ctrl+ Y= Written text comes back.
- Shift+ Any letter= Helps in typing capital letters.
- Natural Language- There are so many documents in your system that you are not able to find. But there is no more need to worry because you can easily find the hidden documents just by using the natural language. The only thing that you should know is the name of the document or the date of the document. For finding, you will have to tap on the start button of the PC and over there you will see a search bar. In that search bar, you will have to search the document you are finding for. Therefore, this is the easiest way and will help you in saving time as well.
- Remote Desktop- According to us, this is one of the best tricks that can be used by people because this trick makes your mind free from tension. In simple words, with the help of this trick, you will able to send all your important documents without having the systems. For doing this, you will have to open a remote desktop on both your computer and mobile phones. After that, you will be able to send documents through the phone also. In case, you are somewhere out and have forgotten something important then you can easily feel free by using this trick.
Want to know more about this trick in detail, then find for some of the top tech blogs in India. Future with Tech is a technology blogs India that is available with every type of technology articles. If you are interested in learning deeper about technology, then go and refer to this blog. There are so many other blogs also but this is available in simple and easy language.
- Right-click- While reading an article on Google, you can use this trick. For example, you are reading an article and suddenly you find an unwanted word over there. In this case, you don’t have to open the new tab and search it on Google. You just select the word and right-click on that specific word, you will see some options. From the mentioned options, you will have to select the search option. The meaning of the word will itself, open in a new tab with a few examples also. Go and try this trick, you will enjoy to have it.
- Spacebar- This is again one of the best tricks for you instead of giving spaces between words, this key will help you in other ways also. Spacebar can be used by people to scroll the articles up and down. Therefore, this is the best thing because it helps in saving your time, instead of scrolling through the mouse, you can easily scroll through the spacebar.
Spacebar can also be used to directly open the emoji pad on your Mac or iPhone. If you are using any of these phones, then you should try this thing out. If you want to know more uses of Spacebar button, then go and search it on the best tech blogs of India. You will find all its uses.
Go and try all these tricks and let us know whether you liked them or not. If you want more tips and tricks like this, then go and search them on the best tech blogs in India.