How a touch screen computer can benefit the whole family

Touch screens are one of the newest innovations in computing. People are divided as to whether they prefer a touch screen on their PC or not, but evidence suggests that if this is a route you’re interested in then touch screens can benefit the whole family, at home, in work and know How a touch screen computer can benefit the whole family
At work
Once you’ve played with them for a few minutes most people find that using a touchscreen is far more intuitive and natural than using a mouse and keyboard. Even those who think they’re stuck in their ways find it an easy way to use technology and with ease of use comes higher productivity. Training times are also reduced since people grasp the technology much more quickly. A recent study showed that with the time gained from not having to translate your hand and mouse movements to the screen up to 20% of your time can be saved. If using your fingers at work is just too strange then a stylus system can add a level of precision, even translating your handwriting into type, which is great for people who learnt to type later in life who may write faster.
Around the home
One key advantage of a touch screen PC can be particularly useful in small homes. With no keyboard and mouse needed for most things those bits can be left off altogether or put in a drawer. The whole thing takes up much less space on a desk or table. If you have a look on various technology sites you’ll be able to see the measurements and find out how much room you might save, especially if you choose one that can be wall mounted. Touch screens are also fairly durable, making them suitable for use for the whole family for many hours over its lifespan.
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Educational advantage

Children pick up new technologies faster than us adults do, thanks to the way their brains work. It’s amazing to watch a toddler play a sorting game on a touch screen or a pre-schooler learn letters via one and since studies show that physically writing helps you to learn better than typing does, the range of programs that allow you to do just that on the computer might just help your teenager to study more effectively. The touch screen is used more intuitively than a keyboard and shortcuts, allowing the kids to get on with learning and be part of the experience in a more immediate manner.
Although the technology behind the touch screen was available much earlier, in the 1970s, most people became aware of it only after the Nintendo DS in 2004 or the first iPhone in 2007 popularised the idea. Since it’s relatively new to many people the benefits of the touch screen PC are only just starting to become fully realised and there’s still much more to be discovered. What is clear is that they’re here to stay and the advantages to the whole family can be huge.
Gavin writes regularly about computers for a variety of tech blogs and websites. He uses sites like to keep up to date with the regular changes in the market. In his spare time he plays computer games and goes climbing. 

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