Gravesend Gurudwara Wedding Cost is Reasonable for Conducting Sikh Weddings

Gravesend Gurudwara Wedding Cost is Reasonable for Conducting Sikh Weddings

Sikhs are known for their colorful tradition and their zest of living life. Whether it is a festival or a wedding, you can experience traditions and enthusiasm at its best. Sikhs’ wedding is a colorful and lavish affair. Right from their clothes to rituals, every part of the wedding is worth experiencing. All Sikh weddings are conducted in Gurudwara before their holy book – Guru Granth Sahib. As the legend goes, the tenth Sikh Guru declared that post his death, there would be no successor or guru’s and hence, their holy was to be treated as the last guru. That is the reason, just like any other religion, Guru Granth Sahib holds a special place in every Sikh’s heart. Regardless of the place, all the weddings in the Sikh religion must be conducted before their holy book.

Every culture has its traditions and rituals followed at a wedding. Christians mostly perform their weddings in Church, Hindu’s wedding rituals are performed around a sacred flame. Similarly, Sikh weddings are conducted in Gurudwara. For someone living in the UK, Gravesend Gurudwara is a great place for conducting Sikh weddings because the Gravesend Gurudwara wedding cost is reasonable. Venues play an important role in the wedding and this place has real potential as a wedding venue.

Various Rituals Performed at a Sikh Wedding


Every Indian wedding has a list of rituals performed before, during, and after the wedding and Sikhs are no exception. As aforementioned, a Sikh wedding is not completed unless conducted in the presence of their holy book. Whether the wedding is executed in a Gurudwara or a marriage hall, their holy book is the pivot around which every wedding is conducted. If the wedding is happening in a marriage hall, the holy book is carried to the hall with great respect from Gurudwara and placed on a raised platform in a palanquin with a canopy. The priest commences the wedding with the finalization of the Akhand Path. The couple is then taken around the holy book and both take four rounds around the book to solemnize the wedding. People taking part in the wedding shower flower petals on the couple as a sign of their blessings for the couple. The priest will finalize the wedding by requesting all the people attending the wedding to stand for the Ardas (end prayer). After the Ardas, the priest blesses the couple and declare them as husband and wife. Prasad is then distributed to all the people attending the wedding by the priest.

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Brides are usually dressed in bright colors like pink, shades of red or orange along with appropriate jewelry for the occasion. Grooms are dressed in sherwani’s or kurta pajamas or some even prefer to wear western-style clothes like a men’s suit for the wedding. It is expected from the groom to reach the wedding venue on a horse and it is customary to carry a sword as a part of Sikh martial tradition. The groom and his family are welcomed by the bride’s family at the gurudwara wedding venue with great ballyhoo.

Once the wedding rituals are finished, the entire congregation is then presented with a lavish meal, usually organized by the bride’s family. Sikh weddings are mostly conducted during the daytime as opposing to other Hindu weddings which are usually conducted at night. Also, in the culture, astrological considerations are not as important as Hindu weddings. In Hindus, an auspicious day is selected for the wedding after looking at the birth charts of the bride and groom. However, Sikh weddings are mostly conducted on a Sunday afternoon.

The reason Sikh weddings are conducted in Gurudwara is that the cost of the wedding in Gurudwara is considerably low as compared to other wedding venues. Also, being a holy place of worship, gurudwaras are considered as the best place to conduct the wedding. However, in today’s time weddings have become lavish and a reason for people to show their status and wealth. Families spend huge chunks of money to make the day as special as possible for the couple which is quite the opposite of what was preached by the Sikh Gurus.

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Final Take

Being a part of an Indian wedding is every man’s dream. The grand traditions followed, elaborated meals and decorations, every part of the Indian wedding is worth watching. So, if you are ever invited to an Indian wedding, make sure to attend it because you are sure to find it exciting and fun.

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