Essential Skills that your Realtor Web Designer Should Have

Essential Skills that your Realtor Web Designer Should Have

Are you thinking about creating a highly effective real estate website? If yes, then it’s in your best interest to find and work with a skilled realtor website designer.

There are more than 1.7 billion websites in the market today. The last thing you want is to create a website that will only add to the statistic but does nothing to propel your business to the next level. Unfortunately, when you work with an unskilled website designer, you will be headed down that road.

The internet is somewhat unforgiving – when your website isn’t well-designed, optimized, and marketed, it might never be discovered. And with more than 90% of real estate firms having sites, you may have a hard time getting even the smallest share of the market value without a substantial online presence. This is especially true, considering 44% of home buyers look for properties online first.

Since you may not be an expert in real estate website design, you’ll want to identify a skilled realtor website designer. Our emphasis is on skills because this will give your website the edge you need to stand out in the market. It is what will attract the audience to you and even help you convert them into buying clients. With that in mind, let’s discuss the essential skills that you should be watching out for when looking for a realtor website designer.


Technical Skills

Basic designing tools

There is a vast selection of tools in the market today – but not all of them will be effective in creating your realtor website. Your web designer should have a good grasp of these tools to ensure they use the right ones at the right time. As an example, Photoshop is an excellent tool for the image process. It can also handle some graphic design – but Adobe Illustrator will do it better. Other common designing tools include Adobe Animate and Adobe After Effects. A skilled designer understands these nuances and intricacies because they know the importance of details regarding real estate website designing.

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UX/UI and visual design

The impression is critical in the online market. Prospects are constantly bombarded with advertisements and distractions from all corners of the internet. They are also aware that they have vast options to select from. So, unless your design is geared towards enhancing their experience, you might end up losing many of them to your competitors. A skilled web designer should know how to work the user experience and user interface. They should be able to design a visually appealing platform and ensure that the site is fast, responsive, easy to navigate, and user friendly.


A skilled web designer should have extensive knowledge of HTML and CSS. These two are basic blocks upon which the structure and style of a website are built. HTML allows you to place and optimize the site’s content, giving it the right form and structure. CSS, on the other hand, helps you enhance the kinesthetic appeal of your text. It lets you adjust colors, change fonts, add/remove backgrounds, and so on.

People Skills

Time management

A good real estate designer should be disciplined and time-sensitive. You want to know that you can rely on them to complete the project on time. It can be frustrating to wait beyond the deadline, with no assurance when the project is completed. This is especially true when time is critical.

Communication skills

Communication is crucial because it ensures that both you and the designer are on the same page. It also facilitates a smooth flow of work between you and other parties. A good designer will tell you how you can reach them and the times that they are available. They will also inform you – promptly – about any hiccups along the way. The best ones in the game even offer insights on things you can do to get a better outcome from your website.

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Creativity and proactivity

Since the designer is an expert in this case, it is an added advantage if they can offer ideas and solutions to different problems. A creative and proactive designer takes time to understand your needs, standards, and expectations and develop constructive ways to optimize your ideas. He or she will lift the burden from your shoulder, and get things done the right way.

Internet marketing skills

In the day and age where all realtors have websites, you need designs that will not only set you apart but also help you rank on search engines. A good designer will optimize your pages for search engines and integrate social media platforms to increase your reach. He or she will even advise you about the latest trends, which are essential for your ranking.


A good web designer is one who possesses these skills and many more. He or she never stops learning because they understand the competitive nature of the digital world. A good designer will be worth every dime you spend on them.

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