Most tried ways to Create a XML Sitemap in Website


Create a Sitemap with Google XML Sitemaps WordPress Plugins

 1.Go to Wordpress dashboard ,click add new plugin and type inside search Google XML Sitemaps .After WordPress finish searching Google XML Sitemaps WordPress plugin  just press install this plugin to complete the installation of Google XML Sitemaps WordPress plugin.

2.Go to  plugin XML sitemap settings and select the options shown in the pics above to find below screen

Google XML Sitemaps WordPress Plugins

3.After Selecting the options shown in the pics above ,click on option to build sitemap

4.You may also Upload the Google XML Sitemaps WordPress plugin zip file downloaded from wordpress   Just go to FTP and browse into your wp-content/plugins directory if step   1 is not working and ACTIVATE and install this plugin

Create a Sitemap in any website without plugin

1.Just find any online Sitemap generator website
2.Insert your website URL
3.Press submit button & Sitemap generator website will generate .xml file
4.Upload this .xml file in root of your website
5.After Uploading this .xml file ,just visit url/sitemap.xml
say if website URL is then  Sitemap URL is

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