A Medication Management App Helped Sheryl Manage Her Mother’s Alzheimer’s Treatment


A Medication Management App Helped Her Mother’s Alzheimer’s Treatment

Alzheimer is a serious and life-changing health disorder. Ely started noticing this memory issue with her health and felt guilty because of her consistent forgetfulness habit. This memory loss thing affected her thinking skills and also her ability to perform the routine tasks. Drastic mood swings, visual problems, short term memory loss and behavioral issues were the early symptoms of this disease that turned her so negative.
Hi, I’m Sheryl, a corporate professional, and I want to describe how an innovative medication management app helped in managing my mother’s Alzheimer’s treatment in a simple way.
Medication Management App Helped
Memories are worth fighting for! And so, I and my mother did it together with a personalized medication app reminder which saved our lives. My mother, Ely who was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease since last couple of months. The experienced practitioners who were handling her treatment advised her to have three to four medications a day but she would often forget taking her pills on time. And I too felt guilty of not taking enough time to take care of her health due to my hectic schedule. Even I too used to forget calling and reminding her for the medications; because at times, I got stuck in a meeting or got busy with other office stuff. And that all was affecting my mother’s health seriously. But, CeyHello gave a new hope to both of us!
People with Alzheimer’s disease often lose track of dates and the passage of time. They face trouble in understanding something if it is not happening immediately and even may forget where they are or how they got there. They feel hesitated in joining any conversation as they struggle with vocabulary and may stop in the middle of the conversation. They may struggle finding the right words or calling wrong names. And if you find them putting things in unusual places, then don’t get surprise or feel irritated with them because they are not doing it deliberately. They may even lose things or be unable to go back over their steps to find them again. Or, they may even accuse others of stealing things. And when it comes to the mood and behavior of the Alzheimer’s patients they behave anti-social and become confused and depressed frequently. They get upset easily and often becomes suspicious, anxious and fearful.
CeyHello is a personalized way to medication management. It’s a digital platform that helps manage the medications of patients suffering from some chronic health disorder. Though, there are various android apps that help managing a disease like, Alzheimer’s; but CeyHello cares different! It’s a digital care with human touch! Yes, because this medication management app has an amazing feature called ‘care circle’. In this app, there are people connected socially just like your family members and you can motivate them to take their medicines on time and can share moments of laugh and joy with them by sending funny ‘moticons’. This personal medication app helps you keep a record of the medicines of your entire family and managing it more efficiently. This app is a great way to take care of your family and manage their medicines while you’re away.
And since I started using this smart personalized app for my mother’s Alzheimer’s treatment, life seems pretty easier and my mother’s health has also started to improve. And also, my mother is becoming more social and we’re observing some behavioral changes in her nature as she found many friends within the care circle of this app. CeyHello has turned her positive, social and most importantly healthy! And that’s a big relief for me and my entire family!
Here are three innovative features that make CeyHello your best medicine reminder app –
Digital health record in your pocket- Remembering medications and adhering to the plan is one of the major problems faced by people these days. And, it becomes even more difficult when you have to remember what type of medications you took last year or sometimes even the week before. But, with CeyHello you can. The Medprofile view of CeyHello provides an online record of all your medications. With the Medprofile feature, your complete health record with the latest information is available in your mobile making medicine adherence easy and simple for you.
Personalized medicine reminder- At CeyHello, we believe “medication adherence is not just about sending reminders after reminders, but instead it is about who sends it and how you send it.” CeyHello is a medication management app that focuses on motivating patients to take their medications at right time and correct doses. With CeyHello ‘Care Circle’, you will able to connect with your loved ones anywhere in the world and share images & audio messages via fun ‘Moticons’. For caregivers and care managers, CeyHello is just ideal. The caregivers can review the patient’s medication adherence reports over mobile or web, upload and update medication prescriptions & change inspiring Moticons on the go.
Best medicine reminder app for iPhone and Android- CeyHello is known as the best pill reminder app for Android and iPhone. With a host of features, the pill reminder app is extremely easy to use. Featuring two innovative dashboards, the app lets you view all your daily medications at a glance and switching in and out of the Care Circle is relatively easy. Sending motivating messages “Moticons” is easy with this pill reminder app. Moreover, CeyHello is FREE to use.
Author Bio: Nihar Rout, the man behind the birth of an innovative app CeyHello, recognized the enormous potential of apps in giving a faster and efficient way to overcome health issues. From his own personal experience, he got to know about the issues that any diseased person and their families must be facing, and worked hard to add every possible feature to help in their tough times.

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